Friday, October 05, 2007

portrait party

This is one half of a portrait exchange I'm doing with my buddy Angela, specifically, my half, a portrait of her. I'll post hers of me when it's done. Meantime, if anybody wants to do a portrait exchange with me, let me know! I can't submit this one to the actual "portrait party" until we've got both.

get in on the party here, or at least read the rules, and disregard if necessary. I'm currently available for portrait exchanges with any interested parties.

Studio photos

Considering that we renovated and finished this room, um... back in April, I thought I could post some pics. It's not as clean as this anymore (art begets mess, or vice versa, at least for me). Some of them are just photos from when I was going to life drawing evenings regularly. I hung them up for inspiration because they usually just see the inside of a portfolio. Coincidentally, the months I was going to these classes were almost always older, naked men. You should have seen my poor grandparents when I showed them this room! Simply scandalous.

view from the door

from the desk, or thereabouts

my shelves, I love these shelves

closeup on magnetic poetry, also a few watercolours (it was a girl that night!)

some other watercolours from those evenings

this model came with all sorts of props (hats, ski poles, bike helmets, scarf).

ink drawing to the left, to the right a lithograph from when I had access to that sort of thing, the middle is acrylic, my muses.

Anyway, it's a happy place and I really enjoy having a space I can spread out and make a mess in and my mess doesn't intrude on the rest of the house. Not featured is the dog bed I drag in so that Rufus can keep me company while I'm working on things. A dog bed can make anyplace homey.